Control and Monitoring

Load Transfer Panels

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A Load Transfer Panel is a panel that is wired into the premises electrical distribution system to allow a generator to be used. It prevents the generator from back feeding into the mains power supply which could cause serious injury to line workers trying to restore utility power supplies.

Constant mains electricity is supplied into premises via electrical cabling. When this mains electricity is disrupted due to power failures, a signal is sent from the transfer switch to the generating set which then starts up and sends generated electricity back into the premises. When the mains supply is restored the transfer switch blocks the power from the generating set and reverts back to the main supply.

ATI Transfer Panels

ATI Transfer Panel

The comprehensive ATI product range, rated from 250 to 1600 amps, offers a high level of functionality with a number of flexible upgradeable options.

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CTI Transfer Panels

CTI Transfer Panel

The CTI product range is available from 63 to 160 amps. The enhanced range is offered in a robust metal housing, with a larger enclosure improving ease of cable connection, top and bottom cable entry for ease of installation and more options.

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